Dr. Lou, D.O.G. : Importance of Fecals

Poop. It’s smelly and can be a little gross, but boy is it important! I’m Dr. Lou, D.O.G., and today I’m going to teach you about the importance of fecal exams at the vet.


Feces can tell us an awful lot about our health if tested properly by the veterinarian. Everything from parasites to overall bacteria count can be determined by a microscopic exam at Thomas Animal Clinic. Some of the more common reasons that your veterinarian may recommend doing a fecal are for diarrhea, vomiting, or inappetence. Sometimes the problem causing symptoms like these is in our gastrointestinal tract and can be detected with a proper fecal exam. The solution may be simply a prescription for the right kind of medication, but we can’t know for sure unless all of the recommended diagnostics are performed. That includes fecal exams among other things that your veterinarian may feel is necessary.

To learn more about the importance of fecal exams, make sure to ask your vet or veterinary technician the next time you find yourself at Thomas Animal Clinic.


Dr. Lou, D.O.G. : Nail Trims…


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