Dr. Lou, D.O.G. : Flea Allergy

Hey guys, it’s Dr. Lou here!

Today I’m going to talk about FLEAS, *que doom music*, more specifically flea allergic dermatitis, FAD, or flea allergy. Allergic reactions to fleas is a common occurrence that my colleagues and I see everyday. It is characterized by itchy, red skin and hair loss near the base of the tail. Now, pets who are allergic to fleas aren’t necessarily allergic to the actual bug itself, but the saliva injected after the flea bites the animal. The best course of treatment for FAD is an effective flea prevention, how simple! Sometimes, if the pet is itchy enough or has an infection to go along with the itch, antibiotics and/or steroids may be needed. Talk to your vet about proper flea control.


Dr. Lou, D.O.G. : Dental Health


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